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The Measurement of Creatinine Clearance is a Way to Assess Renal Function

How it works: Kindly provide your gender, weight, age, and serum creatinine level to calculate an estimated creatinine clearance. The value of creatinine clearance gives an estimate of kidney’s functional or health Condition. Utilizing the value of creatinine clearance, we will search for the appropriate dosage of the medication.

A Product of an Experienced General Physician

10 Years Experience

Who we are

A Product of an Experienced General Physician

The Renal Dosage is an educational tool designed by an experienced physician in consultation with nephrologist to ascertain the appropriate medication dosage based on a patient's kidney function. This will help to eliminate dosing errors in individuals with renal impairment. Medication dosage errors can lead to negative consequences and suboptimal patient outcomes.

In patients with Renal Impairment, administering incorrect dosages can lead to adverse effects and toxicity. A heightened risk of adverse events is particularly prevalent among older individuals. This can be due to age-related decline in renal function or concurrent use of multiple medications for comorbid conditions.

Therefore, we offer a complimentary web-based and mobile app-based educational tool to determine the appropriate dosage of medication for different levels of kidney’s functional status.

Total Medicine Search


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Treatment decision-making in advanced kidney disease: an international collaborative workshop on future directions

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